In Transition

What if...


1. your bf says you can't meet your
guy friends?
- ask him to tag along then. free ride!!

2. your parents like ur siblings more?
- why mak? why pak? i ruined ur
honeymoon ke?

3. your bf spends more time with his
friends then you?
- im going to tag along next time he
meets his friends.

4. your bestfriend backstabbed you?
- aku menjadi talam lapan belas muka kt
dpn dia. siap ngko.

5. your bf's ex keeps calling?
- let me answer the phone.

6. your mum says she hates your bf?
- which bf mak benci ni?

7. your gfs dump you for theirs bfs?
- tak tergolong dlm gf aku.

8. your loved ones passed away?
- doakan kesejahteraan di akhirat.
sedekah al-fatihah byk2.

One of many favourite pastimes I indulged in, fill in surveys to post on Bulletin Boards on Friendster. Above, are excerpts from one of the postings, entitled What if..

Never would I imagine, one of the questions above, happened to me last weekend. The number 7.

I could not fathom how a person would acted that way in front of me, I gave her a smile and all I got back was an icy stare. From a person whom I regard as a sister.

I was told, all that because of a very immature reason.



Blogger anne said...

macam macam perangai manusia Syana....

8:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anne: yeah. igt perangai2 ni wujud dlm drama swasta/cerekarama/telenovela je. sekali real life pn ade. atas alasan paling bengap pulak tu. org dgr pn buat ketawa je.


9:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ana, kalau layan org sengal, kita pun jadi sengal juga, i think org macam tu, dia jadi macm tu sebab insecure.....agaknya la tu, jadi cam takut2 je org lain rampas bf dia gitu...

anyway, ada nak mai sini ke?? ;)

11:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

k noha: insecure? hrmph. x kisah la hilang kwn/family janji bf ade di sisi? xde maknanye.

mmg sengal. super sengal.

ana nk naik KL next week. ade conference kt PJ. 26-28 jun je. xleh lame2, sbb unpaid leave.

jumpe yok!

2:23 pm  

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