In Transition

Fasten Your Helmet

Thursday 6.50 a.m, Senai.

I was in a taxi on my way to the airport when I saw a wrecked motorcycle in the middle of the highway. Not far from it, a man lying face up with blood trickling from his mouth. He was right in between of the 2 lanes road, in line with the road marker. About 20 metres from there, at the road shoulder, a black helmet; and a couple of metres away, a car with shattered rearscreen.

The man was lying still on the ground. No one has stopped to help. The traffic whizzed by as if nothing's wrong.

From inside of the taxi, I could see the man. I looked at him, at his face. It was a big mistake. His face etched deeply in my mind. In those mere seconds, I could recall his feature vividly. And to this day I keep seeing him.

Is he dead or alive?

Who is his family? Wife? Any kids?

We could not stopped. The driver wanted to, but he could not as he was driving me to the airport. I wanted to tell him to, but both of us were so shocked, we were speechless. We drove in silence the rest of the way.

Later in the evening, in the hotel I was staying, I phoned Mak and told her about it.

"Mak, I keep seeing him."

Baba advised me to recite certain ayat and doa, to make me feel better, calmer.

It's a good thing a colleague decided to accompany me that night.

I kept seeing his image. The way his hands and legs sprawled on the road.

I cried myself to sleep that night. I dreamt about him too.

In my dream, a group of people stood around him, their arms linking around each other shoulders to create a protective cocoon for him.

I wanted to share with himself, about what I saw but I know I would, could and should never do so.

It's his one of many pantang.

He is afterall, my knight on a shiny Super Four bike.

Ride safely Sayang.


Blogger noha chomel said...

alahai, kesian nyeee...hari tu tak sempat eh nak citer...

akak penah gak nampak macam tu, betul2 depan opis kat bp dulu... sambil tgk tu, al fatihah tak putus, kesian dia, mati kat situ gak...masa mak n family dia dtg, baru nak angkat ke van polis, meraung2 mak dia kat situ...iiskk....kesian sgt...akak menangis masa tgk tu..

now, akak paham, kenapa mak tak kasi abg bawak motor....

2:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kak noha: well, kt mesia ni not safe utk org2 bermotosikal.

anyway, hr tu ana saje xnk citer.sbb xnk igt2 lg. nk hepi2 je.

btw, ana tgh bz kt tmpt keje. lupe nk check yahoo. lenkali hantar kt hotmail eh. yahoo ni arkib. hehe

8:54 pm  
Blogger anne said...

Nape tak suruh taxi driver to call for help, telefon kan ambulance ke polis ke? Anyway, benda dah jadi....i'm sure ada orang tolong dia kut lepas tu. Jangan fikir2 sangat, k.


11:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anne: i think at that time, both of us thought/assume that someone must have called either the police or ambulance. let's hope what we assume is true la. i hope.

6:36 pm  

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