One Eyed JackHimself
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I drove to SG *wah, skang da pandai drive savvy masuk SG youu..sendiri sendiri lagi.. kembang montot kereta ku* and fetch him from his place dalam cuaca yg sungguh tidak memberi sokongan moral *hujannnn la katakan*.
So we went there without an appointment, and being told that the waiting hours was between 2-3 hours. Takpelah, we were all ready pon. I was with a Jodi Picoult's book, while he was with his mp3 and fisherman's hat (konon bleh cover muka utk tido).
Tapi, x sempat pn kitorg panaskn kerusi, he was called. From examination room, to consultation room and lastly *my favourite* to the treatment room. Haa.. time ni la mata dia akan dibedah dgn jayanya. About 30mins later, he came out of the room, walking a bit unsteadily with a huge bandage over his left eye. I could not help but to laugh. I teased him a bit, "nangis ehh?".. and he just nodded his head. hehehe. Ciannyeee...
"Awak... sakit tau.."
Dengan jln hoyong hayangnye, I told him to take a seat while I went to the cashier to settle the payment. In the middle of the transaction, he came near me. Abis nurse tu buat satu statement to him which i donno whether to laugh or marah.
"How are you? U can sit over there while MOMMY make some payment".
We looked at each other in disbelief. Ini betul2 ke cobaan2?
nak tau asal . Sebab u turun padang i tak calling calling kan? haaaaa.
Tapi binawe punya misi paling sista i mummy, i tau asal. sebab abang bobby kiter tu nagis kan, so misi ingat dier tu bebudak 15 tahun. betul tak?
*parah betul*
lina: ooopss. aiyah, i lupe la nk calling2 same u. hehe. patut la tarak ong that day. haha
look like 15? ahah..maybe la. he was wearing bermudas, t-shirt n a hat. he just need those to look many years younger. takde effort langsung. no fair.
waaa..nurse tu sakit mata ke apa?kabur mata agaknya...hehehehe
kak zafa: cantik glove? hehe. idea bernas jugak eh pakai glove dlm opis. tmpt syana pn gitu.sejuknye mak aii.. kejap2 asik bukak tutup aircond je. hehe
tula.. rase2 nurse tu yg patut kena check mata dia. nk kena sue ni.. for emotional distress and embarassment plus discomfort. hehehehe
makcik kayo!
p/s: td jumpa kak nazrinda. kak sally dgn encik rahman kt HSA. time nk balik. x sempat nk bercerita panjang!
glove warna kuning & green..hehehe..lepas ni nak beli sock panjang paras lutut..hahaha
syana buat apa kat HSA? hari apa syana terserempak dgn dia org?agaknya dia orang melawat Haslina Hussin kat wad ( admit sbb allergy)
kak zafa: opis syana kt menumpang kawasan HSA. kt belakang 1st class ward. hari tu terserempak diorg mmg on the wya nk melawat Cik Ina Hussin tu. akak kalau nk mai, khabar2 kn ye?
Hi Syana, lama betul tak drop by kan...sedih betul cite cik abang awak ni, but the ending is hillarious...hahaha
anne: there u are!! finally.. howdy?
sedih ke citer tu? hehe. entah eh, i was sengih and laughing all the way evntho he was in pain. hehehehe. amusing la the situation. tp yg sgt dikesalkn time ending tu la.. kn da jd self-conscious. ngadap cermin check2 da ade crow's feet ke lom. hihi
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