Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I have many events to tell, but am currently down with flu.
Runny nose, throbbing headache, a very sore throat and aching body.
However, the flu hasn't succeed in suppressing my appetite. geeez.
Will be back when the flu has subside.
Runny nose, throbbing headache, a very sore throat and aching body.
However, the flu hasn't succeed in suppressing my appetite. geeez.
Will be back when the flu has subside.
Hope you're feeling better now. Take care!!
hi anon!
a bit better. but no mood/idea to blog. hehe
Anon..hehehe..Anon ni sebenarnya Kat terlupa nak tglkan nama.
Hehehe..I cracked up baca the word Anon.Anon..Enon..fuh...nama lama tuh.
Hehe. Cheers!!
I did my entry like on wordpad pasal da berkali2 type kat blogger then ter'erase' .Hehehe.
So had to type it all in wordpad before transferring to blogger.heh.safer that way.
Take care...takde experiment kuih baru ke?my mum kata ur paus and rotis look so yummy.
oh yeah...dabis tgk Wahid?I finished watching Mat Deris oredi. I cried at the ending.So touching..am waiting for Season 2 to come out.
Oh yeah.UB and DH baru je showing kat SG yesterday and tadi mlm.hehehe..lambat lah tunggu..
mcm pjg gitu berceloteh kat sini.hehehe..best.your tagboard dont seem to work on my laptop and i cant post anything there. so i just comment je lah kat sini.
da da better stop..nanti panjang lebar merapu ni.
tata syana nana..
Anon/Kat: haha. it's u ghupenye. igt i ade secret admirer.
I da nak abis tgk Wahid. now ep 15. been a bit busy, so i couldn't concentrate oogling his marvelous bods. AND HE LOOKED SO HOT WITH HIS AVIATOR SUNGLASSES!!!
you dah abis tgk mat derih? oh nooo.. sad ke? ikhs ikhs.. x bleh tahan la gini. each episode is getting more intriguing.
and he gets cuter each time.
*pengsan lagi*
hi syana, tak baik demam lagi ke?
anne: hi! da balik dr outstation? hehe. demam da baik. but caught up w so many work. jd no time to update.
syana, mana update ni:-). Anyway, i've tagged u for a challenge. Visit my blog, k!
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