In Transition

2 weeks worth of entry

In two weeks since the last post, I have :

1. joined the gym - which caters for women only. How good is that? I can get fit after joining it, instead of get fit first then sign up for (unisex) gym. No need to be concsious of the butt!! the gLooOrriOuuss BUTT!

2. started to get into my job, which means starting to like it and be annoyed with it.

3. seen another dead body, this time already on the police truck, wrapped in a body bag.

4. received 3 wedding invitations - classmates at SIGS and matrix pilah. Ok, no need to get panic YET.

5. my mature-beyond-her-age cousin, got married. OK. IM NOT HAVING A PANIC ATTACK! haha

6. 5 minutes ago, i defended myself against aggressive salesman from Grolier, "I'm sorry Sir, I agree with what you're selling is a good investment. But, it's not one of my priority yet. Any amount of money I save each month will go to my 'Nak Kawin Fund'." End it with a smile. And look him in the eyes. And I WON!!

Whatever it is, in two days time, I'm definitely going here and get crazy:

Am looking forward for the weekend.


Blogger Unknown said...

kawen fund & this june is the bulan kawen kawen... left right port starboard all kawen kawen... ishh, babe dun panik, cos kawen is a life time commitment so decision should be made after 700 million times thinking about it. No rush...

U have 3 invitations & I have like 4 un-attendable & 1 kes cerai this June.


p/s: kirim salam roller coaster kat theme park

9:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lina: haaaaaaloooooo!!! how r u?
yah. bulan 6 mmg bulan kawen2. aiseh.. kawin mmg lifetime commitment. no rush ke? heh. org lain yg rush2 i la.. how not to panic? ahah.

newayss... the rides at downtown east tak cukup thrill la. actually we purposely elak those ride yg nak jatuhkn jantung. hehee. *chickens* btw i no see any rollercoaster.

hope to see u ard soon!!

9:48 am  

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