Hippy Librarian
Saturday, August 11, 2007
*cough cough*
It IS a bit dusty here.
A lot of things has happened since the last post. I resigned from my 1st monthly paycheck job on the 28th July, packed my things from the office and still came for work till the 31st July (I should get paid ok!).
Had a mini farewell sessions given by the students. Lunch at Fig & Olive with Diyana, tea & cheesecake at Secret Recipes with Fadli. Darlings they were, I would miss them tremendously.
Pinky and the brain (surgeon) - me with fadli.
It IS a bit dusty here.
A lot of things has happened since the last post. I resigned from my 1st monthly paycheck job on the 28th July, packed my things from the office and still came for work till the 31st July (I should get paid ok!).
Reported to the new workplace (new ke? I was there about 11 months ago.) on the 1st Aug. Got sick on 2nd Aug and terribly sick on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Aug, with high fever. Asal masuk keje tempat baru je mesti demam dulu.
New place is fine. cume have to say bye-bye to my slacks and blouses. hehe. First thing i did, stock up on baju kurungs. For the first 2 weeks I would be attached to the officers, learning the ropes of working in the bigger, established library. Once in a while I do get anxiety attack. That strange sensation at the pit of my tummy? It was frequent. Haha. And the funniest thing is, since I'm assigned to the Cataloging Dept for my first 3 months, I had been dreaming about cataloging, subject headings even kena marah pasal salah cataloging for the past few nights!
Now, that's workaholic..to a new level.
Wish me luck and success at the new place. :)
p/s: I'm thinking of moving to a new blog or seize blogging. Why? Cos it would be hard to retain my anonymity with the current URL. So, there could be less chances of ngumpatan in here you see?? hahaha.
New place is fine. cume have to say bye-bye to my slacks and blouses. hehe. First thing i did, stock up on baju kurungs. For the first 2 weeks I would be attached to the officers, learning the ropes of working in the bigger, established library. Once in a while I do get anxiety attack. That strange sensation at the pit of my tummy? It was frequent. Haha. And the funniest thing is, since I'm assigned to the Cataloging Dept for my first 3 months, I had been dreaming about cataloging, subject headings even kena marah pasal salah cataloging for the past few nights!
Now, that's workaholic..to a new level.
Wish me luck and success at the new place. :)
p/s: I'm thinking of moving to a new blog or seize blogging. Why? Cos it would be hard to retain my anonymity with the current URL. So, there could be less chances of ngumpatan in here you see?? hahaha.
hi dear,
heheh...kesian dia, asik demam je eh? dah takyah tuka keje, dok situ 5,6 tahun eh...baru tukar lagi hehehhe
we r coming home on 31 ogos, nak buat bbq on 1st sept, itu orang seberang ada free ka? kesian kat abang kalau takde assistant, akak ada invite my frens yg ada seminar masa tu, dah tanya mak, dia on!
oh ya, kalau online memalam, inform eh, ada benda nak tanya/citer...:)
kak noha: rase2 nk duduk sini sampai JUSA C kot. hehehehe. nak challenge mak ;)
bbq on 1st sept? aler, org seberang tu keje 1st and 2nd sept. timing asik lari je.. takpela. nnti ana turun padang wokeh? tolong kipas bbq je. hehe
balik la cepat. sudah lindu sama itu MEU - mobile entertainment unit
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