In Transition


I have many events to tell, but am currently down with flu.

Runny nose, throbbing headache, a very sore throat and aching body.

However, the flu hasn't succeed in suppressing my appetite. geeez.

Will be back when the flu has subside.

Poligami Lagi

Tersentuh dan hiba menonton Buletin Utama malam semalam.

Tergamak seorang ibu, menjerut 2 anak lelakinya yang masih kecil, hanya kerana tidak mampu membendung nafsu amarah terhadap suaminya.

Suaminya yang hanya bekerja sebagai pemandu lori, dan mendiami rumah flet, tetapi mempunyai keinginan untuk berkahwin lagi?

Seorang ibu muda, berusia 30 tahun. Seorang suri rumah, isteri yang mampu memikul tanggungjawab sempurna. Dua anak lelaki yang comel, seorang berusia 5 tahun dan seorang 1 tahun 5 bulan.Apa yang menyebabkan isteri yang dari raut wajahnya kelihatan seperti seorang yang tenang, melakukan ini semua?

Berbakti kepada suami tercinta, membesarkan dua anak lelaki yang masih kecil, yang pelbagai ragam dan kenakalan. Sudah pasti dengan suami yang jarang pulang ke rumah, dia tertekan. Menjaga rumah dengan dua anak lelaki yang kita sedia maklum tahap aktif dan nakal mereka. Di waktu tertekan begitu, apa yang diharapkan adalah sokongan si suami, namun dia dihujani pula dengan keinginan suami yang ingin berkahwin lagi.

Kasihan, anak-anak yang tidak berdosa menjadi mangsa.

Buat Muhammad Aliff Haqimi, 5 dan Muhammad Aliff Hazmi 1 - Masya Allah, indah sungguh nama bidadari syurga ini. Al-fatihah.


Petikan Utusan Malaysia Online

Isteri enggan bermadu jerut mati 2 anak


MEMILUKAN... Suspek yang disyaki menjerut dua anaknya hingga mati dalam kejadian di Bukit Kecil, Pulau Pinang, menatap jenazah mereka sebelum dia dibawa ke balai polis di Batu Maung, semalam. – Gambar Mohd. Naim Aziz.

PULAU PINANG 19 Feb. – Seorang isteri yang berang kerana suaminya dikatakan hendak berkahwin lain, bertindak menjerut leher dua anak mereka yang masih kecil sehingga mati dalam satu kejadian menyayat hati di Bayan Lepas, di sini malam tadi.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 11 malam itu, suspek yang berusia 30 tahun dipercayai menjerut leher dua anaknya, Muhammad Aliff Haqimi, 5 tahun 7 bulan dan Muhammad Aliff Hazmi, setahun 5 bulan, ketika mereka nyenyak tidur.

Difahamkan, selepas menjerut leher dua anaknya, suspek menyelimutkan mayat mangsa sebelum si suami pulang ke rumah kira-kira pukul 11.45 malam.

Ketua Polis Daerah Barat Daya, Supritendan Hatta Md. Zin berkata, siasatan awal mendapati dua kanak-kanak itu dijerut dengan wayar seterika.

Katanya, mayat dua kanak-kanak itu ditemui dalam keadaan terbaring di atas katil di salah sebuah bilik tidur di rumah berkenaan.

Menurutnya, sebelum kejadian, suspek dikatakan menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) kepada suaminya sambil mengugut hendak membunuh dua anak mereka, jika si suami yang berusia 28 tahun itu enggan pulang segera ke rumah.

Bagaimanapun apabila SMS itu tidak berbalas, kemarahan si isteri semakin tidak terkawal lalu menjerut leher dua anaknya hingga mati di rumah mereka di Flat Taman Indah, Lebuh Batu Maung, Bayan Lepas.

‘‘Namun begitu, si suami tidak membalas SMS tersebut dan hanya pulang ke rumah kira-kira pukul 11.45 malam,’’ katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian hari ini.

Menurut Hatta, sampai di rumah, si suami terus masuk tidur dan tidak mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi kepada dua anaknya itu.

‘‘Pada pukul 7.40 pagi ini sepasukan polis dan Unit Forensik bergegas ke tempat kejadian sejurus menerima panggilan daripada jiran keluarga terbabit,” katanya.

Difahamkan suami suspek yang bekerja sebagai pemandu lori hanya mengetahui dua anaknya dibunuh sewaktu polis tiba ke rumah berkenaan untuk menangkap si isteri.

Beliau berkata, ekoran kejadian itu, polis kini menahan suspek dan suaminya bagi membantu siasatan kes bunuh berkenaan.

Katanya, mayat dua beradik itu telah dibawa ke Hospital Pulau Pinang (HPP) untuk bedah siasat.

Menurut Hatta, kes ini disiasat di bawah Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu bunuh yang boleh membawa hukuman gantung sampai mati.

Ini adalah kejadian kedua melibatkan pembunuhan anak oleh ibu atau bapa dalam tempoh seminggu apabila 14 Februari lepas, seorang bapa menjerut leher dua anaknya selepas dikatakan berselisih faham dengan isterinya.

Dalam kejadian di Villa Angsana, Sentul, Lee Tian Siang, 39, yang tertekan selepas gagal memperoleh Ijazah Kedoktoran (Ph.D) ditemui mati akibat meminum bahan pencuci lantai selepas menjerut leher dua anaknya, Lee May Shan, 9, dan Lee Wei Shan, 7.

Sementara itu, Pakar Patologi HPP, Datuk Dr. Bhupinder Singh berkata, dua kanak-kanak itu disahkan mati ekoran sesak nafas akibat dijerut.

Katanya, kedua-dua mangsa telah mati 12 jam sebelum mayat mereka dibawa ke HPP untuk bedah siasat.

Dalam pada itu, jiran suspek memberitahu, kira-kira pukul 6.45 pagi ini suspek datang ke rumahnya sambil menangis tanpa henti.

‘‘Dia datang ke rumah tapi tak cakap apa-apa... cuma menangis dan kemudian mengajak saya ke rumahnya.

‘‘Saya tanya lagi kenapa dan apa yang terjadi... dia jawab, saya tak tahu apa yang saya buat... anak-anak saya sudah tiada,” ujarnya.

Menurut jiran itu, dia mengucap panjang sejurus melihat keadaan mayat dua beradik itu yang kaku lalu mengambil kain dan menutup mayat tersebut.

Katanya, dia kemudian menyuruh suspek mandi dan mengambil wuduk dan meletakkan surah Yasin pada kepala salah seorang mangsa.

‘‘Saya kemudian memberitahu suami saya yang terus menelefon pihak polis,” katanya.

Sementara itu, jenazah dua beradik itu selamat dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam di Masjid Batu Maung selepas waktu Asar hari ini.

Senyuman Kuala Lumpur

Am currently in KL.

Wish me luck.

Penjara Pecah

Let's see if I could blog while watching Pr*son B*eak Season 2 *winks at Kat and shouts Thank you !!* muah muah

oh wait.. wahid is hotter than the last time I saw him. He's the other person besides 'himself' who could bring me down to my knees only with his stares. those set of eyes.. *sigh* and those low manly voice.. *double sigh* i think i should stop here.

So who is this Wahid guy? People, meet Wahid aka Wentworth Miller. He played Michael Scoffield in the Prison Break. Super genius guy, a former engineer who robbed a bank in order to put himself in Fox River prison. The prison which he formerly designed, which he later intended breaking out from together with his brother who was in the death row allegedly for killing the Vice President. Yes, his brother was being framed by the higher people (read: the government). But, it turned out that he needed more than himself and his genius brain AND the tattoes on his *ahem* body *drool* to break out from the prison. He ended up breaking out with another 7 prisoners including his brother, and now the government is conducting a manhunt for them.

Ok. Now I need to concentrate. Oh, he was shirtless just now! I missed it. Gotta rewind those parts. *wink*

Oh no! Sara Tancredi Veronica has just been shot! She was great in it! dang

Ops, did i spoil anything for anyone? *grins*


Bagai pinang dibelah dua. From left: Rita, Shila, Me and Wawa with Afidah and hubby.

A shout out to my friend from SIGS days, Nurul Afidah Zulkifli who is married during the weekend. Congratulations to you and Bijan *erk, forgot the groom's real name.. haha*. Beautiful bride and groom, in a simple and yet grand ceremony *it was followed up with a reception at Hyatt for VVVVVIP at night*, and DELICIOUS spreadddddddddddd!!

The briyani kambing rawks. At least one lamb rib for each guests. Never had I attacked briyani with such gusto, that the buttons of the kebaya i'm wearing, nearly popped itself open! Well, Lisa's did. *lol*

It was also a reunion with friends from the secondary school. Ahh.. how they have all mature beautifully and succesfully. I felt a sense of pride *and a tiny tinge of a gd way!!* when learning of their current situations, with good paying jobs and etc. Most of them are now working and living in KL/PJ, as engineers/auditors/banking. Another one is going to work in Singapore soon as an architect. Another one is a potential Mak Datin. hahaha *jgn marah Wawa*
At one of the two pelamins in the house. With Rita, Dayah, Wawa and Ayo. With Lys control cun at the front.

I enjoyed myself tremendously chatting, kecoh-ing as always especially when meeting friends from the school days. How I miss Shila aka Ayo, and her soft talks. When talking to her, it's Kita and Awak, instead of the usual kau and aku. I'm the only one who is still calling her Ayo, and I would for the rest of her life!! hehe. It had been nice seeing you! Too bad Dadar, Nabilah and Bay weren't there. You could not imagine the havoc which would be created if Nabilah and Bay met. Hilang segala vogue and grace. haha

Lisa looked much happier than the last time I met her. Ade glow ok? Infectious weh kau punya keriangan tu. haha. Lys, I like that guy too okay. Take good care of him, and tell him to do the same to you, which I believe he already did. Both of you look good together. I mean it! *you could belanja me Chilli's to pay me back.. you know utk segala pujian melambung tu. haha*

Goofing around with Lisa. Her bf nearly fell down the steps while taking our pics. Pengorbanan tu. haha. Oh, and in real life, i am way way shorter than Lys.

I'm glad i went to the wedding. I nearly cancelled the plan, due to the crisis surfaced just before the wedding, as shown below.
Deciding what to wear. Jac's not much of a help anyway.

More pics here *for some unknown reasons, the labels for the pictures in the album are inaccurate. Blame Yahoo. Boo*

We Went to Holland!!

I'm blogging from Holland. Biru langit kat Holland ni. Sebab tu negara ni dikenali sebagai pengeksport bunga2 hiasan terbesar di dunia. Holland pun dikenali sebagai negara yang banyak kincir angin. Ni je gambar yang kitorg sempat ambik semasa berkunjung di tempat2 menarik kt Holland semalam...

Cuba tengok gambar kat atas tu betul2. Macam ade UFO kan between the tree and the windmill?

Nak tau tak ape benda tu?

Itu lah layang2. hehe

Kitorg gi Pasir Gudang laa.. ahah.. Muzium Layang-layang Pasir Gudang.

We were on our way to drop him off at his place kt Pasir Gudang, but when we saw the kites from far, teruja pulak nak ke sana.. maklum lah kata pesta layang2 antarabangsa, nk jugak tgk ape yg ade kan? dekat je dgn rumah die.. adalah dalam dua pelaung. Sampai kat sana, sangatlah jakun. Tak sangka ade taman rekreasi yang besar, cantik dan BERSIH (siap dgn tasik), very well kept, and w/o org berendut; kat JB ni. sangatlah jakun sampai lupe nak amik gmbr taman dan tasik, tapi langit je. hehe.

Bila dah sampai sana, layang2 yang besar semua dah dibawak turun. Hari dah petang lah katakan. yang masih terbang mcm dlm gambar tu pn tinggal 3 biji. Ade satu yg kecik macam tahi lalat tu sebenarnye layang2 bear.. iye.. yg mcm teddy bear tu.. bila dah dinaikkan tinggi, nanti bear tu keluarkan berjuta-juta (exaggerate je ni) lolipop. Budak2 kecik best la dok kejar lolipop yg jatuh. Sampai ade yg tergolek2. Kesian nasib ko dik..

Dalam kejakunan yang teramat tu, masa nak balik tak sedar ade org yg menegur. rupe2nye kawan se-UM, nama glemers Didi. sama2 duduk 3rd kolej dulu. dah keje kt pasir gudang ghupenye. kecikkk je orgnye tapi engineer tauu.

Maybe we will go there again. And ambil gambar tasik die yg sangat inviting. Eventhough pesta layang2 dah takde tapi boleh beriadah dgn berjogging. erm..tapi boleh (larat) ke aku jogging (tgk butt)?

Finding Direction

No 'clogging' (blogging about cooking.. hehe) this time. Im in doubt, and i hope when i blog about it, it may help me review the decision i have made.

I received a phone call around eleven-ish this morning. It was from the faculty. I thought they wanted to inform me the date to present (and defend) my thesis. Was relieved it wasn't. But.. the matter they relate to me, was.. the one that made me in doubt now.

A Prof and a Dr asked me to send my application for SLAB (SLAB is a scholarship program for Bumis, the Uni would sponsor your study and in return you have to work for them, for a minimum of 5 years). Being selected as a SLAB tutor, memang menjamin masa depan. No need to susah payah apply for job etc etc. Study ditanggung (wherever you wanted it to be, local or oversea), and placement for job also terjamin. But, i could not accept it. Main reason was, I don't intend to stay and work in KL. Study for Phd would take about 5 years, and another 5 years you have to serve the Uni. If u break the bond, you have to pay. A lot. So from the start, I know I could not commit myself. 10 more years away from JB? i just could not. 1 or 2 years maybe.

I had the same conversation with Prof, last year. She e-mailed me twice, asking me to apply for PhD slot from the fac. I came clean about the real reason for not applying the post. That I plan for my future to be in JB. That I wanted to get married first and then baru fikir about continuing study. Oh boy, she was a bit dissapointed. She even said "Alah.. nanti you belajar you boleh cari calon". Hehe. When i told her, i already have my calon, she grilled me with so many questions regarding himself! hehe. Seriously, even my own mum didn't bombarded me with so much questions at a time concerning him. haha. But I know she meant well. And would expect it since she was a very dedicated person to her job, and to the MLIS field.

I didn't want to apply, just for the sake of applying and later when being offered, i backed out without accepting it. I did that for the SLAB for Master's degree (i was being offered to continue my study in.. Software Engineering.. warghhhh.. among the reason i decline. hehe). Wasted. The same opportunities could be offered to others. So, for this time, I decline sebab, as i told the Dr "saya sudah mempunyai rancangan utk tinggal dan kerja di sini". And she left me at that, saying that she understand and would tell Prof about it. sigh of relief.

But after putting down the phone, terfikir lagi. Here I am, selak2 suratkhabar hari2 searching for a job. And there, right before my eyes, an opportunity waiting for me, and yet i would not take it. Mak said that SLAB is an opportunity. I agreed with mak, but it wasn't my opportunity. It involves making a huge turn in my life. Sugul jugak dibuatnya. Tapi terfikir lagi, i can't have both. If i want SLAB, i have to say goodbye to whatever i have in JB. That part yg memang I tak sanggup buat. I kejar yg itu, what about my life and what i wanted? I talked to Lemy about this, and he gave me the answer, yang sangat menyedapkan hati, "rezeki dtg bermcm2 cara, x semestinya apa yg jelas di dpn mata"

Mak ckp, i am the one yg belum tempuhi cabaran. Kakak had hers at her previous job. Napi had his too, changing from one job to another before settling with his current job. Mungkin cabaran org berbeza, and this is my challenge. Challenge in choosing the direction of my life.

It's mentally challenging.

Black Pepper Chicken Bun

Projek minum petang this week. This time around, I only provide the recipe for the soft butter bun (which was taken from Cari Forum Recipe) and 'supervise' the bread making session (Chewah, mcm dah Pro je nk supervise org. hihi). Kak Supi did the filling (recipe from one of Asmahlaili recipe book, courtesy of Mak Long S'pore :) ) as well as the bun, from measuring ingredients to kneading sebab die nk cuba buat roti. dan di atas itulah hasilnya. Cantik kan?

One good thing about baking your own bread is you know what you put inside and are sure there's no additional preservatives. No bromate too! No bread softener or improver, which i found most bakery are using.

The recipe's portion is suitable for us, 12 biji bun yang mana separuh darinya hilang within 10mins. The bun is soft even until the next day. Boleh simpan the recipe, for next experiment with sardine fillings pulak. Here's the recipe utk siapa2 yg ingin mencuba. :)

p/s: the bun is even good on its own (mcm iklan gardenia plak)

Soft Butter Bun
250g high protein flour/bread flour (i used pau flour)
50g superfine flour
50g castor sugar
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 tbsp milk powder
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
1 small egg
30g butter, room temperature
140ml lukewarm water

For Glazing:
1 egg lightly beaten
Melted butter
Sesame seed (optional)

1. Combine all ingredients except butter and knead till a dough is formed.
2. Add butter, and continue kneading until the dough is smooth, soft and elastic. (Note: the dought might appear a little bit sticky, so you may add some flour, but not too much. Alternatively, you could coat your hands with some olive oil)
3. Leave the dough, and cover with a towel, for about 2 hours until it has double in size.
4. Punch the dough (to let the air out) and knead lightly. Divide into small even sizes (About 50g per pieces, less for smaller buns).
5. Add the fillings, and place buns in greased and floured baking tray. Leava it to rest until it double in size.
6. Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 200dg C.
7. Brush buns with egg wash, and sprinkled some sesame seed. Bake for 15 minutes or until brown.
8. remove from oven and brush with melted butter (for shiny and yummy effect ;) ).
9. Cool buns in tin for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack.
10.Cover with a towel, for a soft crust bun.

For Filling:
150g chicken breast, diced
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 onion, diced
1/3 cup diced carrot
1/2 cup diced button mushroom
Abt 1 tspn black pepper, or more.
Olive oil for saute
Abt 1 tbspn black pepper sauce, or more
Some water
Salt to taste.
1. Heat the olive oil, and brown the garlic and onion.
2. Add in black pepper sauce, carrot, chicken breast and mushroom.
3. Season with black pepper, salt and sugar.
4. Let the fillings cool