In Transition

Dilanda Cinta

Halwa telinga yang terkini. Tak kira pagi, petang, siang atau malam.

Love this song to bits, from the very first time i heard him on Thursday Night Live on NTV7. The song reminded me of the good ole song, with beautifully written lyrics, so simple and yet meaningful, and his voice is ohhh so lush and classic. hearing him singing, is like falling in love over and over and over again.. *en shanon, ermm.. if i want you to sing during my wedding.. ermm.. ade discount x?*

He deserves the AIM-Best Album Award. I am going to hunt for his album. Original okeh?

Enjoy the song, along with the lyrics (for those who want to sing along)

Dilanda Cinta
By Shanon Shah

Tidur jaga mu tergendala
Kau terpaku di jendela
Langit yg gelap tak mampu membawa tidur padamu
Hatimu bergema
Gemuruh nafsu rancak berirama

Jelas kini kau tak mampu bertahan lagi
Semua yang telah berlalu
Semua yang akan berlaku
Semua tak menentu

Kerana kau dilanda cinta
Naik saja matahari
Hati mu gusar menanti
Saat bertemu senyuman manisnya menghantuimu

Dan setiap langkahmu
bagaikan merentas laut bergelora

Takut tapi suka
Kau mengidamkan belaiannya
Semua yang telah berlalu
Semua yang akan berlaku
Semuanya tak tentu
Kerana kau dilanda cinta

Sikit lagi kau akan percaya
Bahawa cinta mu berdaya
Mencetus sebuah kuasa
Yang mampu mengubah seluruh dunia

Ramai yang telah jatuh
Pabila semangat rapuh
Gagal tuk faham
Cinta tidak boleh digenggam
Dan kau sudah risau
Kau akan disumpah dengan kemarau

Jangan takut
Lembutkan hatimu
Semua yang telah berlalu
Semua yang akan berlaku
Semuanya tak tentu
Pabila kau dilanda cinta

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia III & IV

Have to roll everything into one entry since my time for blogging is very much limited. This story is way too 'basi' by now as it happened nearly 2 weeks ago.

Let's skip part III, (that's the jalan2 in jb part.. same ole story) and go to Part IV - Cuti2 Melaka.

Let me tell you this, Melaka with it's glory of being a historical site has lost it.. LOST it's charm.. All due to the fact that the cab drivers, all 4 of them charged us RM10 for EVERY trip we made. Dekat ke jauh, semua rm10.

I was fuming, thus lost my interest to explore Melaka on my own. It certainly did not help when the hotel is not located in the city. The historical Sungai Melaka and Kg Moten was nearby. Did experienced fireworks display from the comfort of the hotel. Terubat duka ku walau sedikit.

But still, RM10 for a 'eff'ing trip by cab, will put off anybody.

Now, back to the thesis, the dateline is Friday. Wish me luck.

Cuti-Cuti Singapura - Part II

Day II – Singapore

Had a late wink the night before and as a result, waking up was really difficult. Dragged myself outta bed at 8.30am, had a good shower and picked a blouse from Adik’s wardrobe. Had a cup of coffee, called up the cab and headed to JB checkpoint, not before making a stop at MBJB in Kebun Teh to pay yet another summon.

After the usual scanned passport-boarded the yellow bus-alighted-run, huff and puff-queued up in SG checkpoint-made few friends while waiting for passport to be stamp-run,huff and puff-boarded the bus-alighted at Kranji MRT; I reached SG at 10am and waited for my knight on shiny bike. The night before, he offered to send me all the way to NLB, which I gladly accepted. He came, and off we went to NLB, dropped me off and made his way to his workplace in JI.

Oh, by the way I didn’t bluff about the shiny bike part, it was shiny with polished exhaust pipe and rims, the leather on the tank (which they called tank-bra!!) and even the seat gleamed under the sun. Tapi yang kelakar tu, nape lah gi polish itu seat, dah lain kali nak naik motor kena pakai anti-skid patch on my butt. Xdela asik menggelongsor je tiap kali brake.

NLB in all it’s glory!! Went to level 7, deposited my bag (darn, can’t bring the bag inside anymore.. geez), and take a seat by the large window, overlooking the busy street and a mixture of old and modern buildings which surround the library. Went to the LIS shelves, and selected armful of one book after another, and… the rest of this part isn’t interesting at all ;). Oh yes, I did hog the Xerox machine. Hehe

Had a 30mins lunch break in Bugis Junction, did some window shopping and bought a small Jollibean soy drink and karipap bunting and sotong cocok from Old Chang Kee. Continue doing the not so interesting part.

At 3.30pm, my knight came and we went to, where else but Beach Road to have cholesterol and calorie laden foods. We ordered 10 satays – babat, hati, ayam, daging, kambing; Soto Campur for him and Mee Odong for me. Mee Odong is similarly like mee soto with a twist. Chunky meat pieces are used for garnishing instead of the chicken bits. We were being carnivorous that day. Meat, meat all the way. Jangan kena gout sudah.

Makan pun sudah, kenyang pun sudah. And it’s time to get home. He dropped me off at SG Checkpoint and again, repeat the half walk(x larat nk run this time)-huff and puff-queued up-made friends-passport stamped-half walk, huff and puff-boarded the bus-alighted etc etc. Reached Larkin at 6.00pm, bought some radish to make Fried Carrot Cake (as requested by him) and waited for my dad.

Terbongkang the rest of the nite. Dog tired.

To be continued.

Cuti-cuti Malaysia Part I

It’s four. Not three as initially planned. That’s the number of states I’ve been to since Thursday until Monday. One day, one state.

On Thursday evening, after Zohor, I made my way to Seremban from KL Sentral boarding a commuter train (RM6 per journey) which took approximately 75-80 minutes. It was a nostalgic journey as it reminded me of the same route I took for weekend getaway to KL when I was a student in Kuala Pilah back in the 2000. Nothing much could be said about the view throughout the ride. Except for a makcik, whose house was beside the railway, hanging her laundry on the clothesline, wearing a kemban, bra strap showing, both shoulders and on the back. Talk about pencemaran budaya, in all it’s glory.

The chugging of the train was hypnotizing. Managed to get a few shut eyes before being woken up by a man talked LOUDLY on the phone, as though he was talking to ANOTHER person on the OTHER side of the train. Phone etiquette 101 – even though you’re talking to the person who is on the other side of the world, across 7 seas, 7 continents, 7 wonders of the world, for goodness sake, you’re talking on the phone, within your earshot. Maybe the other man on the other side is hard on his hearing. Geez, don’t have to enlighten us with the content of your conversation though. Oh yeah, irritating ring tones don’t help much either.

Journey by commuter 101 – ALWAYS, and I do mean ALWAYS secure a seat facing the same directions as where the train is heading when boarding the train. Or you’ll risk alighting white faced (or green faced) with the content of your stomach halfway up your throat. As it was in my case.

Seremban is not much different than my last visit, around 1 and half years ago. My mom’s hotel stood majestically on top of the hill, fronting by the green lush of the Lake Garden. In between the hotel and the train station, there’s a shopping mall, a fast food restaurant and the garden. I was tempted to walk all the way there. You know, a bit of retail therapy in Seremban Parade, cross the street to quench the thirst with an A&W Rootbeer float, then burn off the calories by brisk walking in the garden, huffing and puffing my way up. It would take around 30mins of walking (and panting) including pit stops. But I was green faced remember. So I took a cab and pointed (yes, pointed) my destination.

RM5 poorer (it seems, that’s the flat rate or minimum rate for a taxi ride, just like in JB), I arrived at the hotel lobby, greeted by the cold rush of the air cons. While waited for Mak, went to the spacious surau and after that headed to the café (not before counting the RMs in my wallet, making sure there’s a decent amount left for me to pay for the meal). Carefully (I mean really carefully, since I only have rm15 left) I made my selection of bagel with tuna and mayo stuffing, with cheese, served with salads and fries which I swear tasted so similar to Mcd’s. All that for rm6.50 after tax. Which is cheap for a hotel standard, plus the serving size is wayyy huge. Only ate half of the bagel, and dog-bagged the rest for the journey to JB later in the evening.

Took a seat as secluded as possible (I hate eating alone in public), but somehow ended up beside a group of tubby and ciggie smoking YBs / pakciks, with thundering laugh, guzzling teh tarik one after another. I tried to look equally important too, so I took out my scribbling pad, reading, occasionally paused, looked up the ceiling as if in a very deep thoughts, jot down a line or two in an attempt to not looking displaced. Heheh. The meal came, and I tackled it with such gusto that I didn’t realize Mak’s waving at my direction. Paid and packed. Together with Mak and her friend, we made my way to JB, departed from the hotel at 6.30pm.

Arrived JB at 8.30pm. Mak did a 120-130kmh all the way on the highway. Salute!

To be continued.

Hence the Name

fuhhhhhhhhhhh *huge sigh of relief* no no.. i haven't finish the thesis yet. but at least the humungous *or so i thought* problem/trouble/mistake before this is clarified/rectified/solved after a borak2 intelek session w prof zainab.


am going to be in transit, in 3 different states and 2 countries starting from tomorrow until the weekend.

where im heading? HOME of course. but not before making a transit in seremban and meet my mom there, before together continuing the journey to jb. followed by a day in s'pore on friday.

what? go s'pore shopping ah? no budget la *jgn ckp xde duit*.. going to bury myself in the books at NLB sebelah bugis junction tu.. apa lagi. then will hog the photostate machine all day loooong.

who says childhood ambition will never come true? I used to dream working as a Xerox/photostate machine operator. muerhehe. dah dapat dah.

cume cita2 nk tekan2 cashier machine je x tercapai, since now guna barcode je. *teeeet*

till then, JB here i comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Sesi Mengadu

Balik jb postponed to next week. Still ok la tu kan. at least i could use the weekend to finish my chapter 5. Mid of next week nk kena pegi mengadap da..

Semakin nk siap tesis ni, makin mcm2 plak yg jumpa.. as if the data collection i did before this is not enough. either the sample is too small or i didnt choose my sample randomly enough.

Ikhs.. sakit pening da ni.. end result, only 5 shows significant difference. ONLY 5!! and only 4 of them is related to the main research questions i posed in chapter 1.

da nk kena go back to chapter 1 adjust balik. and dig whatever past research from chapter 2 to supplement n support my findings yg 5 ketul tu je. To make it appear 'intelligent' and 'valid'.

chapter 4 end up 20 muka surat je. doploh!! aduh..sakit jantung.. camne nk citer dgn prof. i think max i can go for chap 5 pn 20 jugak. total page semua agaknye 100 including appendix.

ikhs.. harapan setinggi gunung

time gini, kalau dicampak lg satu dugaan sampingan, mmg la.. system breakdown.

tulah, lenkali jgn heppi2 sgt..

sekian, sesi mengadu tamat.

Niat di Hati

Allah itu maha mengetahui, maha pemurah.

Sejak jd lone-ranger, most of the time makan ikut ape yg senang nk dimasak. one pot cooking. tu yg slalu end up makan pasta n tomato sup, mee sup, bubur campak e'thing inside.

Ada lah sekali tgh makan2 ni.. cam sedih sendiri.. lama aku x makan complete meal.. nasi dgn lauk masak kt umah.. nk masak lauk pauk x kose nk basuh segala periuk.

Tau2 kan.. esk nye dpt lauk kambing masak kicap dgn dalca dr mak k noha. Amiiin..

Kedian, ade lah skali ni.. tgh chat2 dgn himself.. tibe2 kt tekak ni terasa nk makan kuey teow goreng kt ampang point. die panggil kuey teow banjir kerang.. sedappp.. banjir as in kuey teow goreng basah yg dibanjiri dgn kerang2 tergolek..

Esoknya, k noha dtg dgn my bro.. tau tau.. bawak la kuey teow sebungkus.. nikmattttt..

Mcm semlm.. da boring dok makan pasta dgn nasi.. agn, teringin nk mee goreng yg sdp.. bile melawat Mak Lang kt kg baru, tau2 ptg tu Mak Is *maid Mak Lang* masak mee goreng special die.. amiiin rezeki lagi...

Tadi plak.. da beberapa hari seblum ni rasa da boring dok ngadap ayam memanjang.. lama x jumpe sang ikan sebagai makanan.. selalu lunch mkn iwak lele *ikan keli* dr fac, tp past few days da lama x ke sana.. tau2 k noha tepon td nk dtg.. bawak sambal petai dgn IKAN GORENG..


Allah mmg mendengar..

K noha is one heck of a mind reader oso. heheh.

Mekasih ye.

Betul, kalau kite nk ape2, berdoalah pada Allah.. mintak pada dia. Dia maha mendengar.

Update Tak Pikir Panjang

exactly 2 years and a day ago, this picture was taken at my place. few days after my convocation for bachelor. Bagus tu rombongan dtg dr s'pore as moi present grad dulu. Now, 2 of them are getting married (ye.. kitorg bukak agensi cr jodoh sg-mesia.. nk join ke? heheh), some of them has lost/put on weight or grew their hair longer or no longer clueless about roads in KL. the curtain certainly has changed. so is the room is fully furnished now. yg x tukar is... my face masih berminyak mcm 2 tahun lepas.. dan tahun2 yg sebelumnye..

oh.. si kenit tu.. no longer dukung-able. patah tulang wehhh.


happy n-day to the s'porean. to moi friends who's graduating this year, congratulations (am seeing Azah tomorrow aftr the ceremony.. she is my buddy2 since my days in Kuala Pilah matrix throughout UM). happy happy to me, sbb x dpt grad this year, muahaha. thesis pn lom siap lagi. prof zainab da nk balik da next week. *peluh dingin*. tapi yg bestnye, my application to do my attachment kt UTM Library telah pn diluluskan. yippee yay yay. JB here i come!!!

oh.. harap2 next yr dpt grad. ape plak eh present utk grad master ni? *goyang2 kening*

oh ye.. went to see Mak Lang who just being discharged frm the hosp td. sempatla masak apple layer cake utk die (tesis x siap.. tp bleh masak cake eh). hr tu die masuk spital sbb low blood pressure. kurang potassium katanye. jd pas ni am going to buy all the pisang in the world to load up my potassium. sbb simptom2 yg dia ckp tu mcm ade je kt me.. mmg la my blood pressure mmg slalunye borderline rendah. kdg2 ade jugak berpinar2.. pening2.. kalau mabuk2 tok sah citer la.. tu mmg selalu.. mabuk cinta.

anywayssssss (again)

saya nk balik jb jumaat ni. atau sabtu. saya heppi sekali.

sekian, terima kasih.