In Transition

Come to KL If You Want To..

... learn how to drive defensively (Read:mcm org gilaly)

Less than a month driving in KL, you are guaranteed to be able to :-
  1. master the art of ciloking - weaving in and out of traffic jams, changed lane in a very pronto manners especially when stuck behind slow moving vehicles, stopping bus/lorries/cars whose drivers ALWAYS forgot to turn their indicators ON when turning.
  2. Read minds. Refer 1.
  3. korner baring - navigating a sharp turn on high speed until the passenger or co-driver ikut terbaring. muerhaha.
  4. ignore those impatient drivers yg sgt suke meliwat orang (read: tailgate). aku tau le ekzos keter aku kt tengah2. Lagi die cocok, the slower i drive. biOr.
  5. curse - must. join. anger. management. class.
  6. drive with ONE hand! yeahhaaa