In Transition


Se7en things that (will) scare me
  1. CICAK
  2. death
  3. heartbreaks
  4. bangkai binatang yg si Jac bawak balik dr hunting session - tikus, ular, cicak kobeng, tupai
  5. judgment day
  6. Natural disasters which we cant control. Nevertheless we contributed.
  7. missed deadlines (groan!!!)
Se7en things i like the most :
  1. baking - cookies, cakes, pies.. talk abt baking, i have baking class this saturday w Rohani Jelani. yeay!
  2. cats. oh please please please i would lk 1 super-duper lazy-fat & fluffy cat that lie all day round n does't bring back any dead mice or lizards. n if possible, doesnt poop a lot. hehe
  3. doing the laundry esp folding clothes. therapeutic.
  4. go out with my fruit-heart (read: buah hati) for a date/movies/makan2.
  5. a steaming bowl of soto ayam (read: bukan air panas masin + kiub ayam) complete w begedil and sambal kicap cili api. soto babat pn lagi best
  6. french fries gemuk. yg mcm kt nando's or swensen tu. LJS nye fries pn best.
  7. the bronze ring w tiny diamante which my fruit-heart bought me. shiny shiny bling bling.

Se7en most important things in my room :
  1. glorious bed w clean n crisp bed linen. must must. 2 pillows. jac (optional)
  2. full-length mirror. women ARE vain.
  3. chest of drawers and wardrobe. k Fida, mine is going to burst soon too.
  4. curtains. takkan nk buat wayang kulit with neighbours kan?
  5. my toiletries, mini-wax for facial hair (arghh..), tweezer n eyebrow pencil (disaster happens, now my eyebrow da senget sebelah), perfumes, bedak cutticura.
  6. yassin n quran.
  7. a bed partner (jawatan kosong)
Se7en random facts about me :
  1. the mole below my right eyes is getting bigger. Kakak suggested to see a dermatologist about it. but whenever i went for my appointment with my cosmetic surgery consultant (for my acne la.. haha) i forgot to mention the mole. get rid of the zits then deal w the mole laterlah
  2. am not good in hiding my emotion. takes time to cool down. i hold grudge(s) too. woah, sgt negative.
  3. im still with the same person i met and tripped-in-love with 7 yrs ago.
  4. i can wriggle my ears.
  5. i don't drive eventhough i have driving license.
  6. initially was scared of riding a bike when my fruit-heart first bought his bike. now, i can even sleep while riding. skill x skill tu. tinggal bawak kusyen utk sandar kt box. ahah. makcik-style
  7. i sangatla tak reti nk handle org yg tgh marah atau merajuk. niat baik bertukar buruk jadinye kang. haha

Se7en things I plan to do before I die :
  1. get married. produced offspring(s)
  2. paid my dues - hutang puasa, solat, study loan from my parents, house loan, car loan, credit card loan.
  3. lengkapkan 5 rukun islam
  4. travel ala 'amazing race' w my fruit-heart. bcos i need someone who can drive n hv good sense of direction. i tukang baca map je la kn. baca aje. tukang cheer skali. tukang ambik gambar.
  5. make my loved ones happy.
  6. contribute to the community - create a mini library/recreational centre for children n youth.
  7. hypnotise a tiger to lie on its back.n slowly garu the chin and belly. seriously. the bulu very inviting la.

Se7en things I can do :
  1. main game sampai mata berpinar2 when im supposed to write critical reviews for my chapter 2.
  2. cook a scrumptious meal. but with help from Kakak to adjust the taste. i takut garam.
  3. finished my assignments on time (yes, i actually can do it)
  4. tell off people who cut queue. complete w mata fishball n flaring nostrils.
  5. be a goody two shoes. haha
  6. assembling things - DIY thing. manual provided.
  7. PROCRASTINATE!! my forte ;)

Se7en things I can't do
  1. follow schedule. eheh. somehow mesti terlepas.
  2. finish this 'se7en things'. k Fida y so hard ahh the Q? hehe
  3. control my temper w Adik. im sorry ok. i hate when i get mad at u. and yes, i do love u. n no, there's no jealousy involved. (Adik was born when after im being manjaed for 10 years. heck, im still manja w my mom. meleseh and all. haha)
  4. stop cat-calling. ey, i cat-call bukan kt minah-minah ok. i cat-call - CATS la. pantang nampak kucing, even while in the car/on bike mesti panggil. "meoww... come here.. here kitty2... meowwww". mesti nk garu dagu/dahi. mesti. mesti. Mak kata maybe i could talk to cats. hehe. im gifted!!
  5. speak only when spoken to. n when necessary. no, every second is not necessary.
  6. drive.
  7. stay mad at my fruit-heart. kadang2 nk jugak aksen jual mahal. majok mulut muncung panjang2 sampai bleh buat gantung hanger.

Se7en words I say the most :
  1. ek?
  2. poyo-poyoan
  3. kong asam jawa
  4. ok
  5. macam bagus
  6. suke-suke je ckp mcm tu (ini time marah)
  7. please (blajar dr nurin.. eheh)
Se7en celeb crushes :
  1. M Nasir - for his voice
  2. Michael Buble - ditto
  3. Patrizio Buanne - ditto
  4. John Mayer (bukan John Major la) - ditto
  5. Mustapha Kamal - heheh.. ade la sbbnye ;) lg2 time jd cikgu nordin citer mira edora
  6. David Beckham (ni big time crush back in form 2. gaduh dgn classmate tu siapa plg fanatic.. haha.. ngarut ngarut)
  7. Aragorn from Lord of the Rings.

Se7en people I'll love to see doing this (names not in order) :

(yg link me to their blog x sampai 7 orang pn. eheh)
  1. kak noha
  2. eisha
  3. frina
  4. huds
  5. fruit-heart
  6. edit me
  7. edit me


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