In Transition


latest update (update tu bukannye latest ke?) i'm back in kl.

actually, the reason for me not updating my blog as often as before is.. i've found a new love - bloghopping. i knew im not a gd writer. but im a gd reader. hehe. so instead of checking my blog, i'd religiously check othrs.. kepoh ke aku ni nk tau kesah hidup org? berkobar2 nk tgk ade latest update ke x.. mcm putus cinta je kalo xde.. then check agn.. usually when i found a new blog that i found interesting, i would bookmarked it n start reading from the very beginning of the blog.. dont want to miss the bandwagon la kan.. how i read n choose which blog might represents me.. in real life.. kalo kasi ape2.. i wud search the backgrd..kaji dalam2.. kasi paham.. sbb frm there baru terbit interest to get to know ur subject more..

alangkah bagusnya if i use the same approach for my thesis. haha. sampai skang lom jumpe prof zainab to report my progress. masalahnye, progress nye tu xde.. nk repot ape.. hehe.

sbb tu jugak la.. i sort of lost interest to update my blog. i feel guilty instead of reading articles n journals for my literature review, nnti tgn ni gatal nk click menda lain.. gi friendster buat survey la.. g bloghopping, main solitaire, cr recipes. etc etc.. dats y i cud relate myself w what k atenah goes thru everyday..

blog blog blog blog thesis blog blog blog thesis blog blog blog blog

currently, im also reading joe perantau's blog. kalau org 'dedang perantau'.. dia plak 'dendam perantau'. :) intrigue. interesting. addictive. emotional. blog with soul.. dat's one u shud read.. (he mentioned somewhere not to promote his blog freely.. eheh.. but i as pendatang haram to his blog. he wont know abt dis la kan.. ;) )

then there's one blog - kalo lagu eric clapton my father's eyes.. this one is my mother's eyes.. reading her blog opens my eyes - seeing things frm a mom's point of view. u cud feel the emotion, love n happiness she's experiencing w her kids. skang ni kalau org tanye who inspires me.. i only have one word - mothers.

then. sambil2 tu lompat2 blog. i found afdlinshauki's!! haha. dr dulu byk2 comedienne, i larveee him... there's sumthing abt his peyot.. haha.. reading his blog, i cud hear his voice, see his animated faces n exaggerated(sp?) gestures. very entertaining.

(oohh.. do u knw ade hamba allah tu kate afdlin ni cam ade iras2 buah hati pengarang jantungku haha.. mungkin ntang yg peyot tu la kotttt... ;) he wud kill me if he found out abt dis.. wakakaka)

oh.. n thru his.. i hopped to sultanmuzaffar . i love susunan bahasa dia. n he has many reviews on malay movies.

instructions. saya kagum dgn susunan bahasa, gaya penyampaian pemiliknye. kagum atas kebijaksanaannya, kepetahannya, kefasihannya dalam 3 bahasa - melayu, inggeris dan perancis. rumpun kita. indah coretannya.

n there's also one blog.. sorg wanita melayu (terakhir?) di okinawa. since kecik2, im fascinated w anythin japanese. sampai beli kamus jepun dok hafal sket2. then join any opportunities amik adik angkat jepun (asal la bukan abg angkat ek? hahah). its amazing to see betapa kuatnya genetik org jepun ni. india melayu kawin jepun.. tp offspring semua jepun2 belaka.. sapa kate makan tempe otomatik jd jawa? makan kari otomatik jd mamak? haha (btw, tempe org jepun mmg makan.. kari lagila.. siap nk patented as theirs.. ape kesssss??)

sbb tula.. nk update blog rase mcm segan je compare w mereka2 di atas.. they have their theme.. issues which othr ppl can also relate with.. motherhood, soul-searching, chasing dreams, passion, cultures. things dat can be used as a guide to others. that's a blog i like to read but i cant write.

mungkin belum byk garam yg dimakan kot?


mungkin Allah saje x nk kasi idea tulis blog sehebat diorg jd otak tu bleh guna utk buat thesis. siapkn research yg dah tertangguh2 tu.

hehe. insaf da ni.nk p buat thesis dulu.


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