In Transition

Pain In The B*tt

.. the left butt cheek that is.

i had experienced the same agony months ago. usually after sitting on hard surfaces for quite some time - be it on the wooden dining chair or on the floor. but this time, it lasted from the evening until now. every walk is excruciatingly painful. simple act of bending my knees, or shifting weight while standing or sitting have to be done s-l-o-w-l-y (accompanied by frowns and moans)


every step i take, every move i make (haha) sangatttt sakit. setiap kali i raised my left leg, sakit. bile kaki pijak lantai, sakit. rasa mcm urat dr butt all the way to foot ditarik2. wriggle my toes, my butt rase sakit. macam mane ni?


i did the stretches taught by the chiropractor. and still the pain wouldn't go away. uwaaa.

it's really a pain in the butt. literally.


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