In Transition

The Memoirs of a Procrastinator

Firstly, i'd like to dedicate this post to Kathy - for being the reminder; for i have been neglecting my blog for weeks. It's a gd thing i still remember the login id and password. ;) Thank u Kathy. and thank you for being the shoulder when i needed it the most.

Have i been too busy to neglect the blog? I purposedly do so. Im afraid if i start to routinely update my blog, i'd neglect my OTHER top priority - THE thesis that is. Even so, there's always new things to do -->
But none of it relates to my topic.

I've been busy indeed. Busy procrastinating. Strangle me please. So that I have valid reasons for not being able to sit down and construct questionnaire for the survey.

"I was strangled Prof. Resulted to the lack of oxygen sent to the brain. Which in return resulted to the lack of progress in the Thesis".

Dream on.


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