In Transition

Bile anak dara ke dapur

dear fellow bloggers.. selamat menyambut ramadhan :)

the reason i decided to update my blog is.. i simply cannot 'tahan' being greeted by those two pics i posted in the last entry. so here i am, racking my brain.. what should i write..

choice no 1 : lettingoff some no. hilang berkat puasa. refrain.
choice no 2 : everyday rituals. to boring. most of my day started in the afternoon. haha
choice no 3 : progress of my research. what?? what?? research??

alas.. an idea came in the form of a new blog friend - nymph. hehe. (actually it was the kitchen aid i saw in her blog.. geram geram geram)

upon seeing nymph's kitchen aid brings me back to couple of weeks ago when i attended rohani jelani's baking class. the journey to her house was like a treasure hunt. typical direction from woman la kan.. instead of drawing us a map (which i think wont help us much either).. she DESCRIBED the route. her description tu betulla mcm dlm historical/romance novel. "a set of traffic lights facing a mustard yellow house... 2 storey grey brick house on your left and a garden wall with balustrades (what???) and flowering pots... go along this road, shaded by rambutan trees (ermm.. how to know which is rambutan tree..without the rambutan??).. a very faded orange wooden house.." alamakkk...

nasib baik sampai.

as i reached there, im the only one *anak dara*. lain2 semua tai-tai and mak-mak dara.. they were talking about sons..daughters... so dlm mingling2 w them, suddenly one lady asked me.. "u ade berape anak?"

1. anak tekak.
2. anak mata.
3. anak telinge.
4. anak kucing.

tu lah anak2 i.

to cut the story short.. the class pon started ard 10 am. there were 7 of us in rohani's kitchen. u may wander how 7 mak2 dara + 1 anak dara crammed into a kitchen. well.. her kitchen ni.. has 5 ovens.. yg besar2 mcm ariston chef wan guna tu.. 3 kitchen stoves w hoods.. 1 kitchen aid (woarghhh).. 1 BIG pantry.. as big as my current kitchen.. 2 island counters (w stainless steel tops).. sinki siap water heater.. stainless steel bowls / tefal pans/ periuk belanga kilat2.. her kitchen looks straight from IKEA catalogues. apron dgn mittens pn IKEA mari. aisbok punye besar bleh simpan mayat. each of us has our own kenwood hand-mixer. ok la tu.

i'll be happy to be her maid. n live in the kitchen.

everything were prepared for us.. ingredients.. utensils.. terase mcm iron chef plak dikelilingi dgn mak2 dara yg berlari sana sini tgk kek dlm oven jgn hangus. dirty dishes ditanggung beres plak tu.. berbaloi bayar rm180 for 2 recipes, dtg lenggang kangkung. dpt bergaya w IKEA's apron n mittens, tefal pans, copper pots, kitchen aid, ariston ovens. berangan berangan dan terus berangan.

she's a good cook. and mentor too. asked her anything n she will be ready to answer ur question. walau soalan yg bengap2.. maklumlah x pandai masak pn.. she wont laugh at u. :) im a happier n wiser (n 2 cakes richer) anak dara when i got home that day.

my next class would be sometime next yr evnthou she's classes all thru out september and october. why the long gap?

im still a student. no budget lah


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